I’m trying not to think what it means to try this again.
Questions like “Is it really necessary?” and “Will you be able to sustain it this time?” keeps swirling in my mind.
To which the answers are “Yes, or I’ll lose myself” and “who knows, but I must try.”
And what’s the start of a year, if it’s not trying again— to be better, to adjust and move forward, to really embrace what brings joy.
And sustaining my writing practice, whether it’s poetry, short stories, or even writing a blog post, is what centers me, and it’s what brings me joy.
The Reflections
There’s a lot that can be said about 2024. There was a lot of processing of reality. A few jarring revelations, and a lot of work to let things go, which I hope to see the fruition of the year. There are things that I’m immensely happy about this year, that made special for me:
In 2024, I read 44 books — a feat, since I used to struggle so much in the past. I’m also very happy with the quality of books I’ve read, and hope to keep that up!
I traveled to three additional destinations (one of them was a business trip, but it was still amazing), which seemed impossible after Covid, mostly because of anxiety and planning procrastination.
I submitted a piece of writing just before the year ended, and I’m proud of myself for it
There were other, smaller, more personal victories that made 2024 standout, and pave the way forward. There are still areas I want to cement as part of my habits and achieve goals, but I’m also being mindful and not be too hard on myself with the pace. The bricks are being laid, one by one, to create the whole.
Like many, I usually scoff at the mention of resolutions. But I didn’t want to give this a hard name like “goals” either, so resolutions it will be, and the ones I want to focus on this year are:
A monthly post. I’m hoping I didn’t jinx myself, but given how I’ve struggled to come back to blogging, making it a monthly activity seems like a more realistic goal in bringing me back to writing.
Go back to posting poetry. I’m back to doing it recently, and I hope to keep going. I realized it’s one of the things that centers my being.
Share my writing progress in these monthly posts. For the longest time, I either have works in progress that haven’t progressed much, or ideas that haven’t manifested yet, and are just stuck in the ether of my mind. This year, I’m giving myself to my craft, from building the habits of weekly word counts, to poetry submissions and other random writing pursuits. I want to note it down every month, and see how far I can progress.
I’ll most likely make up the format of these posts as I go along, but I’ve always had in mind that this is a space for reflection, observation and celebration. A subtle way to mark the quiet turns of life.
Here’s to a year of creative grounding.